Sunday, December 21, 2014

Firefall... reviewed! 12/10/14

This game is addicting... and annoying at the same time.

Ever play a game, its fun, you want to get into something deep... but the exploration and discovery are about as deep as it gets? That's how I (personally) feel about Firefall, minus the glitches that prevent me from completing some objectives.

Firefall_chp1_coverThe game allows you to go right back to an area where a scenario started... so that you can replay it again... and again... and again (repeat until you've had enough). This can be cool for fun missions, but its weird also. Keeping in mind that they're trying to deliver a story element online, I guess it works... so that everyone can take the "ride" of an experience before going somewhere else to find more to explore.

They delivered more of a story through the Manga (to be expected)... which delivers some pretty good art work that may be enjoyed fans or someone just getting into FireFall. Get the full manga free here (I won't even get into this... so that you can read it yourself, if you fancy).

Backtracking on what really gets me about this game though, I have to mention... glitches. Tie the glitch in with a reoccur-able scenario and you're screwed... especially if it took awhile to complete and you're unable to pick up the item. If the item dropped next to the "starting" point... it may be some sort of hiccup they didn't take into account. This could result in the game trying to reset the objective while cancelling out the completed one... but from that point I didn't want to play anymore (that scenario at least; nothing like junkyard dogs and rogue robots).

It's a free-to-play game though... with decent run, gun, and exploration aspects that I enjoy. The more work the developers put into this game... with an aim to prevent it from plateauing (in addition to much appreciated patches), the better the game will be. The fun factor is there, especially with multiple players taking on various enemies... but exploring can be fun also (just make sure you're prepared to fight or run for your digital life based on what you find).

Your digital self... uses different "BattleFrames":

  • Assault-class, a balanced offense and defense
    The Assault comes in handy if you need someone to run and gun through missions... side by side, or working in a group effort. Assault & Recon are a good combination, because while the assault is making they're way through an area (sticking and moving)... recon can keep the heat off from a distance.
  • Dreadnaught-class, heavy armor and guns on this one
    If you need someone to clear a crowd... fear not, call in a Dreadnaught!
  • Recon-class, excels in ranged weaponry
    This is my type of character, but I have no problem getting to close for comfort... because dodging is something that I've grown to do well over the years (no matter the game).
  • Biotech-class, can be described with one word... "Medic!"
    This class in the right hands, is a huge blessing (don't go into the light just yet, call for a medic)... because there are some situations where a respawn would take you out of action, sending you right back to a base (which royally sucks charcoal flavored lollypops). You're left with no time to get back to the action if an enemy was near death, a portal closed, or time ran out, etc.
  • Engineer-class, specializes in things like turrets and energy barriers
    This class can pull you out of the stinker even quicker than the Dreadnaught's (in my opinion)... because not only are they able to attack, but they're also able to deploy turrets, defensive barriers, etc.

Its not the most graphically advanced game, but it doesn't need to be, you can max out setting or lower them a bit... without missing much (and visually it has its moments when you're looking in the distance... at very nice landscapes). I like the fact that you're able to go from 3rd person to 1st person... and have found myself playing the game in 1st person mainly. It's cool to see the actions of the characters once in awhile... but I would've switched to 3rd person more if my character didn't look so... generic. The options were limited, so I couldn't customize a whole lot either.

Replay value is there... because you aren't exactly playing a game that sets you on a path to get from the same points to the same points, you have the option to roam. On top of that, this free-to-play game will get content until its no longer supported, so at least... give it a chance if you game on PC.

Overall, its a decent experience of ambitious size, that should've probably started off a bit smaller in scale... to work on making things visually and functionally strong before expanding. This allows for you to pin point problems in the area of current production... instead of having problems that have to be sought out and fixed. Player feedback helps, but piles of feedback forms could be a pain also (just sayin').

To the development team: Keep going, keep building... I think the game will have even more to offer if you don't get discouraged by the feedback. Merely use it as ammo to blow minds away... with improvements! (!Ka-Boom!)

Fun factor: 3.5
Visually: 3
Replay value: 5
Price: 5 (it's free, of course its going to get a 5!)
Glitches: -0.5

"3.5 / 5 Mushrooms" (without price being a factor, it would be a 3 out of 5)

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