Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tokyo Crash Mobs... reviewed!

This fast paced puzzle game is a funny break from the norm (my norm at least), bringing two main characters named “Grace” & “Savannah”… along with scenesters, ninja, spaceships, etc.

These characters take on different roles, but both involve matching people according to the color of their clothing (or umbrellas) and they look good doing it (in 3D). Grace throws people, while Savannah rolls them, and while I didn't mind rolling for the most part… the throwing was a bit on the annoying side. It may have something to do with my experience playing games like Zuma, but the throwing really didn't feel that comfortable to me and felt like it got in the way of gameplay at times (especially when the speed picked up).

There are two different play modes in this game, Story Mode & Challenge Mode. So beyond the adventure, you are able to play a type of survival mode and if you want to check out some of the interesting cut-scenes from your adventure… you have the option to do so in Movie Maze.

I like that both characters have different objectives to go after in the game (and then some), because it adds to the variety that prevents the game from taking the repetitious route. There are items thrown in that help you take on the crowd (i.e. bomb balls, and space ships), and when things begin to get hectic… they really come in handy as you fight (using Grace) to gain access to stores or prevent scenesters from touching a red button (using Savannah).

I think this game is a nifty color matching experience overall, and has an arcade feel with the combo points you are able to obtain to boost your score. It’s cool to see the women pop up on the screen in the foreground to cheer on an awesome combo (sort of reminds me of Mortal Kombat), and the boss battles are a weird plus for me.

I found the line layout on the lower screen somewhat helpful, but not as much as it could’ve been (since there could've been colors that represent the people on the lower screen). I will say though that such a helpful feature may have made the game a cakewalk for some (but the option could’ve been available for others).

Price wise, I feel that this game should be priced at $4.99; I just feel that it would be a lot more appealing at that price point. If you enjoy these types of games, and want a change of pace... definitely consider Tokyo Crash Mobs (which at the time of this review... is listed for $6.99).

Fun factor: 3.5
Visually: 4
Replay value: 3.5
Price: 3.5

“3.5 / 5 Mushrooms”

You can find the game here:

#TokyoCrashMobs   #Nintendo   #3DS   #eShop   #Review

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