Monday, March 3, 2014

VVVVVV... reviewed!

VVVVVV is simple, interesting, and full of frustration… wrapped in one addictive package.

You are the captain of a ship, something happens, your crew members get separated and you have to rescue them. The game has a decent little story, but the fun comes from what feels like a developer’s challenge to on comers willing to go through h-e-double hockey sticks for glory.

There are a ton of challenges from one area of this game to the next, and it doesn’t take long to encounter another that requires concentration. Some areas will frustrate you more than others, and may require you to retry them over and over again, and some may give up on collecting trinkets because of it. The beauty is in the challenge though, but you can pat yourself on the back if you complete this game by 90 – 100%.

Visually it has an 8-bit look, and there is the 3D added into this version (which doesn’t make or break the game for me personally). The visuals aren’t really what caught my attention, the challenges are what interests me, but I must say admit… this game is not for everyone (and I’d be lying if I said it was) because it would be a waste of money getting a game that you don’t want to play based on the level of difficulty. There is an option to be invincible, and you can also play in a slower speed if you want to try it anyway (thumbs up to those that do), but I’d understand if you aren't willing to make that move.

There are quite a few areas in the game, including player levels, but I wish the game allowed for players to make custom levels on the 3DS to share via QR codes. Either way it’s a very nifty game that will challenge you, the music has a retro modern sound to it and overcoming challenges can be quite rewarding.

Price wise, I’d say that the game could’ve been released for $4.99 instead. It would appeal a lot more on that note and give gamers seeking challenges (via affordable games), the option of enjoying one that I’d recommend for some of the more hardcore gamers out there. I know a few that I’d love to see take this game on because they swear that they are just the best at everything.

Fun factor: 4
Visually: 3
Replay value: 5
Price: 3

“3.5 / 5 Mushrooms”

Check out the game here:

#VVVVVV   #Nicalis   #Nintendo   #3DS   #eShop

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